The emergence of burrs is based on the shearing process that has to be removed in the aftermath depending on the requirements of the sheet metal. The emergence of burrs has to be avoided as on the one hand, the function of the surface of the workpiece and of the cutting surface can be limited, on the other hand, burrs cause a higher risk of injury. By special methods like fine blanking, the quality of the cutting surface can be decisively increased. This reduces the emergence of burrs but however, a burr-free component is not possible to produce.

Burr-free components can be produced by the special method of counter shearing. Counter shearing is a cutting method with at least one change of the cutting direction. In order to make the method accessible to industrial application, the Forschungsgesellschaft Umformtechnik offers industrial partners the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the process and the use of this special method by means of a working group.


Counter shearing shows a process-related edge rollover with an optimal choice of parameters on the top and the bottom of sheet metal.
In this way, complex remodelling can be avoided as the process directly generates burr-free components.